Spiritual Danger and the Warning Signs

In today’s world, many people including Christians ask, “What is spiritual danger?” Is it possible to avoid perils? They sense fear and don’t know how to escape violence.
Actually, nothing’s changed relating to how we overcome spiritual dangers. God wants His children (those who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior) to stay awake spiritually. And even more so during the last days.
We’re to be as vigilant in watchfulness as Gideon’s army of 300 men described in Judges 7:1-7. The men who took water in their hands to drink could watch their surroundings and look for danger. God used a handful of men to defeat the Israelites’ enemies because they resolutely looked for danger.
Jesus told us to do the same thing.
Mark 13:37
What I say to you I say to everyone, ‘Be on the alert [stay awake and be continually cautious]!’”
Jesus was describing His return and that warning signs would be obvious. Have you looked around lately for the signs? If not, see Matthew 24:37-44 and 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
Spiritual Danger Meaning
Anyone or anything that details your spiritual health would fall under the category of spiritual danger. That may involve Christian complacency, lack of spiritual maturity, indifference, or embracing sin instead or holiness.
In other words, your spirituality tanks. You aren’t excited about growing your faith. To be more specific, you don’t listen for the voice of The Holy Spirit to direct your steps. Footholds take charge of your life instead of God. Spiritual danger is a reality instead of a possibility.
Spiritual Warnings of Danger
- Falling away from God: Drifting spiritually is as dangerous as getting into a boat without a life vest. You’re going to sink. In turbulent times, God is the only One to hold onto because He’s steadfast. Everything else is sinking sand. It’s relatively easy to buckle under life’s pressures. Standing firm in faith (2 Corinthians 1:24) requires that you don’t withdraw from spiritual battles.
- Not seeing sin for what it is: When God’s not your treasure, sin is. A rebellious heart disregards nudges from God that you’re sinning. A sinful person develops a dull conscience that what they do and obeying God’s Word doesn’t matter. Unless you recognize when Satan stalks you, you’ll slip into sin quite easily. It’s true: “If we say we have no sin [refusing to admit that we are sinners], we delude ourselves and the truth is not in us. [His word does not live in our hearts.] (I John 1:8).
- Physical Danger: After 9/11 on September 11, 2001, stories surfaced about the number of employees who decided to not go to work or were late that day. Have you ever suddenly taken a different route home or delayed a trip for a day or more? You may have diverted Satan’s plans to bring harm to you or your family. Here’s an example from when our daughter was a young child. God let me know a Black Widow spider was near her while she played outside on the swing. I didn’t dismiss the thought as nonsensical. I took action, found the spider, and killed it. The spider was on the ground near my daughter’s feet—a place you’d never expect to find one.
Other Dangers of Spirituality You Don’t Want to Miss
Wrong Influencers: Christians must be careful about people in their circle of influence. We’re to minister to a dying world without taking up the habits of those we meet. You should rethink who you hang out with. For example, do those people break the law, use profane language or live an immoral life? If so, they’re the perfect people to witness to about Jesus, but don’t routinely seek them out as companions.
The Desire for Knowledge: We live in the information age. Within seconds, you can acquire details about any subject that comes to mind. Gathering knowledge about God is a lifelong pursuit. Doing so only becomes dangerous when Satan muddies the water. If you are stuffed full of intellectual truth, it’s possible to sidestep correction from those who are holy. Putting yourself on a lofty tower above others sets you up for a long and hard fall. Knowing the source of truth (God) keeps you anchored in humility when pursuing heavenly knowledge.
Superficial churches: Avoid churches interested in followers instead of proclaiming the Gospel to harvest souls. An anointed church is distinctively different. The Holy Spirit draws people to Jesus so they repent from sin and learn to hate it (sin). It’s easy to get caught up in a flurry of excitement that has nothing to do with God. If a church stirs your emotions instead of the Spirit of God, that’s a sure sign you’re flirting with spiritual danger. God must increase; we must decrease.
Paramount Truth Regarding Spiritual Danger
Jesus gives the best advice. Don’t let your guard down when you’re supposed to be awake. Otherwise, real, genuine peril can come to your physical household and to your inner temple where faith resides.
Satan will target areas in your life that are most vulnerable. Know the sins in your heart and the people that drag you away from God. Be on the alert for anything that appears gentle but is disguised as a fierce wolf.
Be equally watchful for complacency. That’s exactly when spiritual danger is the most imminent. This is one time when it’s okay to possess stubborn determination. As I stated in this post, “How to Live Life as a Determined Christian, “You won’t give into feelings and the throes of darkness.”
As you war against spiritual dangers, you may have a warrior heart on the inside and exhibit the gentleness of a lamb. If you cultivate love, you’ll own the most powerful weapon to stay ahead of danger.
Lastly, Jesus said before He left, “Do not fear.” The world is getting darker but Christians can live peacefully.
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]