Sold Out For Jesus As a True Christian
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If you’re sold out for Jesus, temptations don’t move you. That’s one of the greatest benefits for me when I live life as a true Christian. My behavior and heart change to exemplify God’s Spirit living inside me.
We all have areas in our lives we haven’t given to God. For example, you may covet things or put people before your Lord and Savior. There’s one problem. Spiritually, it has a negative effect.
What does sold out for Jesus look like?
Philippians 3:7-10 (MEV)
But what things were gain to me, I have counted these things to be loss for the sake of Christ. Yes, certainly, I count everything as loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. For whom I have forfeited the loss of all things and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ, and be found in Him. Not having my own righteousness which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ. The righteousness which is of God on the basis of faith. To know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.
The tables turned on Paul. To be sold out, he went from persecuting Christians to enduring persecution because He served God to the uttermost. I never persecuted Christians but I failed at being one.
What Does It Mean To Be Sold Out For Jesus
I honored a bunch of “sacred cows” instead of God that He knocked over in a few years. God isn’t a dictator but He doesn’t want you and me clinging to things that won’t sustain us. During the painful transition, I learned what I clung to instead of Him. The truth wasn’t pretty.
I wept, was angry, and at times confrontational until I became sold out to God. He always takes His children higher than they want to go. For me, until I surrendered my will to Him, He couldn’t use me in His Kingdom.
For years, I lived on other people’s faith. Then, I realized that wasn’t the way to live a Christian life. I had to know what I believed and keep building my faith foundation so I wasn’t tossed to and fro when confronted with adversity.
God’s only requirement was that I commit to Him fully. You’d think He’d want the smartest or those with the most gifts but He doesn’t.
His desire is to nurture the gifts He gives us. And nothing happens unless we let Him intervene.
So, day by day I stayed the course by concentrating on what Jesus did. Plus, I learned to identify the Holy Spirit speaking to me to receive correction and instructions from heaven.
Sold Out For Jesus: He Got My Attention
Jesus had one eternal purpose—to die for the sins of mankind, His ultimate goal. Additionally, He proclaimed the good news to the poor, freed those imprisoned and oppressed (in their minds, hearts, and bodies), and gave sight to the blind.
When His hour arrived, he faced His destiny.
Luke 9:51 (AMP)
Now when the time was approaching for Him to be taken up [to heaven], He was determined to go to Jerusalem [to fulfill His purpose].
Jesus was sold out to His Father and determined to complete God’s Will for Him. He set His face like flint and didn’t look back.
That’s true for you and me. Whatever God gives us to do, we can face the goal head-on. Along the way, we’ll meet plenty of fake Christians and even rub elbows with them. In fact, when my heart is far from God, I qualify as a phony Christian by going through the motions outwardly but inwardly having no interest in what God wants.
Yikes, that’s painfully honest!
How do Christians Become Sold Out For Jesus
- Let God prune you. Letting God change you speaks loudly to your own heart that you really do love Him. You want what He wants. You’ll feel loss and lost for a while until He brings you full circle to seek Him for ALL of life’s problems.
- Believe God can use you. When you’re honest with yourself, you wonder what God sees. You live in a fleshly body that rises up when your spirit has a God idea. How can God use you with all your faults? If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, he sees righteousness. He’s got something to work with.
- Keep God in your life. Christians face numerous distractions that vie for attention. When you’ve sold out for Jesus, you want and include Him in every detail. He wants to be yours completely.
- Decide to let the world fade. Recently for 10 days, I pared down what I fix my eyes on. Most days when I get up, I read scripture instead of turning on the computer. I check my email and one social media account every 3 days instead of once or twice a day. I watch very little TV but I fasted that too. Doing this exercise made me aware of what I give my attention to. My goal is to make this a permanent lifestyle.
3 More Ways To Be Sold Out For Jesus
- Be ready for God’s next level. When I think my love walk is pretty good, God sends someone my way that’s very difficult to love. Whatever your current level is, God draws you closer to prepare you for what’s next.
- Don’t get discouraged. Being a Christian isn’t easy especially when you’re serious about being one. Mindsets come up you didn’t know you had and faith sometimes feels like it’s on the back burner. Keep pressing toward “the goal to win the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).
- Learn patience. Trials on Earth will always exist. True Christians understand that being sold out to Jesus doesn’t mean you only see life through rose-colored glasses. Stuff happens. But God is always present to help you through difficulties.
Final Thoughts on To Be Sold Out
You are a living sacrifice every time you allow your spirit to reign rather than your flesh. Moreover, it’s imperative to step away from your comfort zones because God chose you to make a difference. God made you a treasure in an earthen vessel. He knows how to bring out the best He put inside you.
You only need to let Him help you become a sold-out Christian.