Running on Empty Spiritually and What To Do

running on empty spiritually

These words, running on empty spiritually, remind me of when I once ran out of gas within 400 feet of the station. Just as quickly, a woman pulled over and drove me there to buy fuel. She said God told her to stop.  Fueling my spirit as well as my vehicle is a priority. What I love about God is that even when I mess up, He sends help.

Numerous times, life events cause me to go down before I go up higher with God. Each time I come out of a spiritual funk, I press closer to God rather than lose sight of Him. He taught me that He wants Christians to stay faithful to Him while we’re in valleys before He allows us to stand on mountaintops.

Running on Empty Spiritually Happens to Lots of People

Biblical characters teach us what to do and not do. Their life lessons reveal we aren’t the only ones running on empty spiritually.

Joseph, a son of Jacob, is one of my favorite Biblical characters. He strutted around in his coat of many colors while his brothers stewed with envy. Plus, their Dad made him his favorite kid.

Then, one day the boys had enough. They put Joseph in a well and contemplated whether to kill him. They sold him like merchandise and his captors transported Joseph to Egypt.

Joseph’s name means “may Jehovah add/give increase. Climbing higher spiritually wasn’t obvious when Joseph was a slave or when he was in prison for something he didn’t do. Within those 13 years of adversity, Jehovah increased Joseph in whatever he did. But that doesn’t mean Joseph didn’t have moments when he felt empty and far away from God.

Other Biblical characters knew about running on empty spiritually before they went up higher—David, Esther, Samson, Ruth, John the Baptist, Jonah, Elijah, and so many others. To see this truth, you must know their stories. Bottom line—before they increased they went through seasons of famine.

What happened to them may remind you of what it’s like to hit rock bottom and feel like there’s no way out or up.

Filling Your Spiritual Tank

Good intentions can blow out your once full flame for Jesus. Maybe you take on something God never told you to do. Perhaps you have one foot in ministry and the other foot keeping you steady so you don’t go under. A too-full schedule depletes you of God’s Word (faith comes by hearing).

A spirit running on empty allows mental stress to kick in. One more item on your to-do list hijacks the faith you do have. Before long, your spiritual tank is on “E”, empty. Your soul, spirit, and body have nothing to give.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

How to Stop Running on Empty Spiritually

  • Run to your quiet place: Getting away by yourself and meeting with God is the first way to counteract a spiritually dry spirit. You and God are in a covenant relationship. He misses you as much as you miss Him. Make it a habit, lifestyle change, or whatever you want to call it to prioritize reading your Bible, praying, worshipping, and listening for God’s voice. Some people reconnect with God by walking outside and observing nature. Others volunteer at a homeless shelter or visit shut-ins.
  • Look for the warning signs: Do you tell God that you don’t have enough time to spend with Him? You make excuses that you have too much on your plate or you’re so spiritually dry there’s nothing that could shake you free to turn to God. Events and our deceitful hearts can lead us away from our Creator if allowed. The joy of our salvation is what’s contagious not only to others but to ourselves. When serving God becomes a chore, it’s time to evaluate if you’re running on empty spiritually.
  • Chase grace: God loves to offer mercy and grace. It’s why He sent Jesus to earth to save mankind. Grace is freely offered and freely received no matter how badly we mess up. Grace is God’s stamp of approval every time we stray from Him. He raised up Jesus as the perfect sacrifice to bring life out of death.
  • Renew your commitment: Do you remember when you first accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Nothing could pull you away from Him. Then, life happened and He faded from view. At any point in our spiritual relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit they work in tandem to get us back on track without making us feel shameful and scummy.
  • Keep checking your emotions:  Our feelings are God’s built-in mechanism to let us know what’s going on inside. Having less patience, barking at the dog instead of the other way around, or not having a sense of fulfillment are all indicators your spiritual tank is low.

Takeaways About Running on Empty Spiritually

A Christian’s goal is to stay connected to the vine, who is Jesus.  That vital connection through the Holy Spirit is what keeps believers fueled up and ready to go. Just know that rivers of living water don’t flow from stagnating streams.

You may be disillusioned with how faith works when you’re spiritually dry. There’s no reservoir to draw from. I’ve had times like that only to find that my deepest need was and is God. He is ready, willing, and able to refresh me to overflowing at a moment’s notice.

But I must be willing to let Him help. If I keep putting Him off (like I do when needing to stop for car fuel), I’ll become insensitive and less likely to hear Him speak. He knows exactly what I need to do an about-face and go from empty to full.

The next time you feel like you’re running on empty spiritually, it’s not a feeling. It’s God telling you to pull over and let Him drive. If you don’t, everything you do for God will feel like walking in a desert holding an empty thermos.

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