satan (your enemy) circulates lies. A popular one is you’ve lost standing with God. So, you feel disqualified to pray. Kick that lie out of your life! You’re a Child of the King and positioned to receive honor. Freely enter the throne room of God.
Get cozy in a favorite chair, a tucked-away nook, or a swing under the oak tree. Bring your Bible and commune with God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. They’re ready to meet with you at any time of the day.
The most powerful prayers come from your mouth. Here’s a selection of common concerns and accompanying prayers. Double up in strength and ask a prayer buddy to join you. Watch the enemy tremble in fear.

Even though peace seems elusive, you can be peaceful daily. Living as a Christian takes effort so don’t sit on your laurels and let the enemy run roughshod over you and your family. Let peace rule in your heart as you seek its presence in your life.
Lord, you gave me your peace as one of your lasts acts before leaving earth. “Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]” John 14:27 So, because you said I could have it, I take it and believe it’s mine. To have peace I cast every fear and disturbing thought away from me.
I believe that I stay in perfect peace because I keep my mind on You. I will continue to speak words of peace to my mind, body, and spirit regardless of what I see happening around me. Amen.
Remember to keep praying and stop looking for signs that it’s working, because IT IS.
You’re not alone. Millions of people all over the world experience anxiety because of these troubling times. Even Christians feel pressure from life experiences. You don’t have to succumb to anxiety and fear! Run to Jesus every time you have a concern and stop anxiety in its tracks.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I command anxiety and fear to leave, right now! Anxiety and fear have no power over me because I am a Child of the King. I refuse to be fearful and choose peace instead. Thank you for the angels that surround me and my family and that no evil will befall us. I will meditate upon Psalm 91 so it stays deep in my heart in times of trouble. I will declare that You are my helper and do not fear what man can do to me, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
God knows you need income to cover your needs and He will give you favor to find the perfect job. Your job also provides a means to bless others. As you focus on God and keep Him uppermost in your thoughts and actions, He’s quick to answer your call for help. He desires the very best for you since you are His child.
Thank you, Lord for directing me to a place of employment so I can bless others. You will open up employment to me and I’ll stay ready and alert to go at a moment’s notice. Thank you for choosing employment that keeps me debt-free and that I commit to working hard. You’re able to provide a working environment in which I can use my gifts for the kingdom of God. Amen.
Continue to praise God when you are looking for employment and expect an employer to offer you a job quickly. You will guard your mind and heart during this time so worry does not try to overtake you.
The greatest day for anyone is when they accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Living for an eternity can be awesome in heaven or awful in hell. It’s normal to feel concern for loved ones that live for the wrong kingdom. Take your stand today for them and confess salvation over their lives.
Father, please send harvesters across my loved one’s path that know the Word of God about salvation. Send people who my loved one will listen to so his/her heart changes. I break the power of satan’s assignment to kill, steal, and destroy over my loved one’s life.
Fill my loved one with wisdom so he/she understands The Word and receives eternal salvation with God the Father, God the Son, and God The Holy Spirit. I thank you for my loved one’s salvation and plan to treat them as royalty or children of God. My faith confession is that God has begun a good work in my loved one until the day of salvation. Amen.
Stand in faith regardless of what your loved one does or says. The promise in Acts 16:31 applies to your household members as well. So if you’re a believer, then your family members are next in line for salvation. Now that’s good news!

The money you have available is important for your family and the Kingdom of God. You can’t help others unless your checkbook has funds. Keep your finances in the black so you can be a blessing, everywhere you go.
Lord, I want to be a blessing so I seek your Kingdom and your righteousness first. You are my helper so that my barns and gathering places stay full. I intend to meditate upon your Word and keep it in the midst of my heart to make my way prosperous. I will work with my hands so I’m self-supporting and have plenty left over.
You will lead me to the right place and teach me how to profit. When I listen to You, I make good decisions. I expect to live a fruitful life because I am connected to You. I’m a steward of the finances I do have and live to give and be a blessing. You will multiply the seed I sow on behalf of me and my family. Amen.

Love reigns supreme in the hearts of two believers in covenant with each other. The enemy attacks marriages to break down families. If you stand together in faith, especially when praying, you can stop those plans in their tracks.
Thank you, Lord that you gave us each other to carry out your will for us as a couple. Today we believe that love holds us together and we conduct ourselves with honor to live in harmony. Help us to extend compassion and gentleness to each other and walk in peace in our dwelling places. We use The Word of God as our blueprint to grow our marriage and live out our unified purpose for You. Amen.
Parents are stewards of the children God gives them. They nurture them, provide for their well-being, and prepare them to live as adults. Christian parents endeavor to teach their offspring about God and how to live for Him as believers in Jesus, their Lord and Savior.
Lord. I believe the words spoken in faith prevail over my children. Because they are connected to me, your servant, everything they do will prosper and they will have good success. You send angels to protect my children wherever they go and in all they do. They will have favor with You and men. My children are taught of You and they will not depart from The Word as they grow older. I commit them to You for safekeeping, prosperity, and blessings. Amen.
The Holy Spirit resides in you when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Ask Jesus to fill you so that The Holy Spirit speaks to your spirit through your mouth. You may utter a few syllables at first and progress further the more you surrender to The Holy Spirit. Don’t be afraid to draw closer to God in your private prayer moments and experience wholeness and fullness you won’t achieve any other way.
Thank you for giving The Holy Spirit to anyone who asks. I’m asking for this baptism so I’ll be taught from above throughout life on Earth. I surrender my mouth to You and expect to speak the heavenly language. I receive the utterances that you impart to me to overflowing which will help me complete the works of Jesus. I am a born-again believer and receive this gift in faith. Amen.