Partakers of the Divine Nature in Sync with God

partakers of the divine nature

If partakers of the divine nature clubs existed, everyone would join. At a minimum, most memberships let you join without doing anything.

Except, that’s not how it works in God’s Kingdom. The following scripture describes what’s involved to become partakers of the divine nature.

2 Peter 1:3-7 (NLT)

By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.

Peter tells you and me to walk in God’s divine excellence. By knowing God personally and intimately, excellent results follow.

Believers can live victoriously in a fallen world when we don’t take up the lifestyles of unbelievers. If you wonder how it’s possible to escape the world’s corruption, here’s how.

God isn’t bound by our reality. He thinks in the realm of possibilities.

How do God’s possibilities become our realities?

Partakers of the Divine Nature

Every child of God changes the world with God’s love and His message of grace through Jesus. Each believer is a beacon of truth looking for ways to fulfill the destiny God gives them.

Believers do that by emulating God’s divine nature. When you allow God in the middle of your circumstances, what was once ordinary becomes supernatural.

  • Grace and peace multiply producing a spiritual life of godliness by being intimate with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • God shares His grace and glory in order that we partake of His divine nature thereby living free from immorality.
  • Believers gain moral excellence and access to God’s unlimited knowledge through diligence and faithfulness.

All that seems simple enough until the world pulls you into its corruption. We’re all guilty of depending on anything other than God. Our five senses cause the flesh to rule and dominate the spirit.

That can be a believer’s reality unless you learn how to make other choices.

Partakers of the Divine Nature to Be In Sync with God

I have zero memories of not feeling God’s presence as a little girl. I felt safe in Jesus and attribute that truth to praying grandparents who never stopped lifting me up to God. Their prayers blessed my life even after they left earth for heaven.

Even so, staying in sync with God requires effort. It’s not a do once and you’re done event. Each day a Christian gets up and restarts their spiritual journey. Here are some proven ways to be in sync with God.

  • Know the Word of God: It’s a different thing to read the Word versus keeping it deep in your heart and spirit. God reveals Himself mainly through scripture. The Holy Spirit living inside a believer quickens and enlightens the Word to reveal more knowledge about God. Being in sync with the Holy Spirit means you meditate on the Word’s truth so it becomes a part of who you are.
  • Let wisdom teach you: Get knocked down enough times and you realize God is the only one you can trust. Put confidence in people, things, a job, or something else and trouble finds you. God uses circumstances, scripture, life events, and any number of ways to teach us to follow His path.
  • Accept correction: Believers can’t stay in sync with God unless they allow Him to convict them of sin and repent quickly. That’s how all of us grow—by receiving God’s exhortations and instructions. He never condemns us. His goal is to take us higher with Him to a place in the spirit where we’ve never been.

    Also . . .

  • Get in God’s flow: Have you ever been to a worship service and nothing seemed right? That’s how it feels when you’re out of sync with God. We all have access to the same Creator. Without much thought, we sync our devices to receive upgrades and downloads. It’s the same with the Holy Spirit. Unless you purposely pursue God, you’ll be out of step ALL DAY LONG. Surrender the flesh, yield to the Spirit, and flow with Him. “Come close to God and God will come close to you” (James 4:8). You become a living example of the meaning of divine nature.
  • Reset your life: Cycles are all around us—the seasons, the sun and moon, our work schedules, etc. Sometimes you and I need to step back and access where we are with God. Then, listen for His voice and do what He says. That may require changing your schedule, lifestyle, or something else that separates you from God.
  • Align your will with His: Believers sometimes fight God. We do our own thing and think it’s okay. After a while, we finally realize God knows more than us and confess, “Lead me and I’ll follow.”

Living Lives as Partakers of the Divine Nature

Partnering with God starts with wanting to. There must be an inner desire to live so close to God that you become like Him.

It’s possible to be gentle, loving, righteous, forgiving, longsuffering, patient, kind, and loving like He is. He has no problem sharing His divine nature with His children.

And, He does so through His Son, Jesus Christ, a believer’s Lord and Savior.

Galatians 5:24 (NLT)

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.


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