Overcoming the Spirit of Gossip Now

Overcoming the spirit of gossip isn’t hard when you see what it does to people. Here’s what it looks like if you haven’t seen it in action.

Gossip kings and queens huddle in twos and threes (I’m thinking fortification in numbers equals strength). Elbows flop up and down in rhythm to their chatter.

Darting eyes betray wicked hearts feeding on tasty tidbits they “share” with anyone interested in news from the gossip vine.

Gossipers are ecstatic when an innocent person walks by. Volume ramps up or mouths turn into sickeningly sweet smiles.

Gossipers are obnoxious predators.  In addition to body language, without even prying open their mouths, I know there’s nothing inside but toxic dirt.

Gossipers hang out at water coolers and other places and spew their poisonous substance, tainted with an air of finesse.

How to Stop Gossiping: The Truth Behind Gossip’s Poison

What’s behind the spirit of gossip? Its root cause is jealousy. The ongoing “chit-chat” has an underlying goal to tear down others so the gossiper wins—or so they think. They hate for anyone else to succeed and voice their displeasure by concocting stories.

Likewise, insecurity fuels gossip wars. To feel better inside, gossipers let off noxious steam. In their minds, they self-rank higher than others to justify their behavior.

This Bible verse about gossip provides insight as to why people engage in this behavior.

The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body” (Proverbs 26:22).

Gossipers feed on tiny morsels to feel bigger inside. After injuring someone, they smack their lips in pleasure. They are the first to spread deadly lies or tales laced with a bit of truth. Unfortunately, they don’t know that false words go deep into their spirits poisoning their own souls.

Here’s a third reason people become town parrots. Pride fuels gossip which can catapult into hatred. People who engage in idle chatter don’t care what’s behind their behavior and emotions. Short-lived ego boosts are what matters to them. On the flip side, humble people never gather in circles to whisper.

Overcoming the Spirit of Gossip

Gossip isn’t anything new and its nature hasn’t changed. In fact, plenty of early Christians had a problem with it.

Paul called the Romans God-haters because they gossiped, warned the Corinthians to not engage in the evil habit, and he tried to subdue its consequences in a letter to Timothy.

Gossipers create steady flows of petty talk. Essentially they’re busybodies. They break trust, hurt people’s feelings, and unleash their tongues on unsuspecting people to ruin reputations.

This hurtful behavior reminds me of angry bees surrounding a hornet’s nest. Repetitive stings of hateful words inject poison deep into another’s heart where it lodges and does the most damage.

Telling juicy information about someone is akin to backbiting when speaking slanderous spiteful words. Muttered innuendoes repeated in a hurried frenzy grow like cancer. Gossipers passively plant seeds of doubt to become active harbingers of destruction.

Overcoming the Spirit of Gossip: Know the Consequences

Gossip can extend to groups. For example, prayer lists can be nothing more than gossip chains. I’ve heard appointed  “prayers” gossip about someone’s illness each time they call the next person on the chain. Love doesn’t spread untruth. Christians who are serious God seekers don’t gossip because God doesn’t approve. He NEVER condones injustices that ruin a person’s character.

Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends” (Proverbs 17:9).

In addition to losing friends, gossip weakens your relationship with God, and stops spiritual growth. Gossip takes God’s place by becoming an idol in your heart. He simply steps back and watches gossipers take steps toward self-destruction.

Then, gossipers eat the fruit of their labor.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits” (Proverbs 18:21).

That verse promises good or evil and we get to choose which type of fruit we want. When we kill another soul with our words, we’re saying, “you don’t matter, you’re not valuable, you’re a loser.”

The consequences? These hammer blows wound the offender and the offended. Gossipers choose whether they extend life or death to those they meet and to themselves.

God Says to Stop Gossiping Now

This childish habit can continue throughout a person’s adult life unless they choose to stop. Stopping may be easier than convincing people the change is permanent. Meditate and pray these scriptures to find inner strength. Stop seeing yourself as a celebrated magpie, snoop, and meddler. Then, turn away from gossip rather than contribute to grapevine news.

Ephesians 4:9 – Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

James 1:26 – Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

Leviticus 19:16 – Do not go about spreading slander among your people. “ ‘Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the LORD.

Proverbs 11:9 – With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors, but through knowledge the righteous escape. 

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