Jesus Is our Treasure

jesus is your treasure

When Jesus is our treasure, you can’t imagine saying goodbye to Him. You don’t have to. He’s not the same as the decades-old treasures we hang on to for comfort and never part with.

Namely, I still reach for my black T-shirt with a lace insert as go-to clothing. Other people keep worn-out shoes, a favorite souvenir, or a car they’ve owned for years. Someday your loved ones will keep or dispose of your favorite things when you slip away to heaven.

Thankfully, you can keep Jesus forever when you make Him the Lord and Savior of your life. He doesn’t wear out like stuff and gets better with age by knowing Him more intimately. In fact, when Jesus is your treasure you prefer hanging out with Him more than a pet, husband, or friend.

Maybe your spiritual life is battered and bruised and Jesus slips to the bottom on your priority list. No worries. It’s possible to get to the point that you only desire God as expressed by Asaph in this psalm.

Psalm 73:25-26.

Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

So how do you find your wealth in Jesus?

Jesus Is Our Treasure When . . . 

  • Other desires fade: Heavenly rewards become more important than earthly possessions. You set your mind on Christ rather than new clothes, gadgets, and things you like. Otherwise, trusting in material goods chokes your passion for Christ.
  • Jesus Consumes you: Lukewarmness is not on your radar. You’re on fire for the things of God and love reading the Bible. Your body knows what hunger and thirst are and your spirit feels the same way. You can’t get enough of Jesus.
  • Pleasing Him is important: You know your weaknesses but also know according to Hebrews 13 that God will equip you with “everything good” to complete His will. God takes up residence inside you to build faith to enjoy His covenant promises to you through Jesus. You are His willing servant to glorify Him.
  • People become a priority: Jesus laid down his life for people, plain and simple. Likewise, God wants you to love your neighbor as you do yourself. The reason is so other people can learn about the Savior of the world and live eternally in heaven just like you will as His child.

Here Are 4 More Ways Jesus Is Our Treasure

  • You seek Jesus more often: It’s possible to develop a spiritual taste or preference for God. When you’re in His presence often, you can’t help but want more of Him. Your spiritual relationship becomes the most satisfying aspect of your entire life. As stated in Psalm 16, there will be “fullness of joy.”
  • You have a softer heart: Upon salvation, God gives you a new heart—it’s no longer a heart of stone according to Ezekiel 36:26-27. This saving work means you are more tender toward God and others because you also have a new spirit. You’re a new creation in Christ. You no longer embrace your old life and in time your heart is not hardened like it once was.
  • You’re sensitive to the Holy Spirit: When Jesus is your treasure, it’s a natural, but spiritual transition to develop spiritual ears. He comes to live inside you the moment you accept Jesus as yours. Then, every time you exalt Jesus, the Holy Spirit works inside you to help make Jesus real whether you speak or write about Him.
  • You ask God more questions: Before conversion, Satan blinds you to the truth of the Gospel message. You literally wake up to life the moment you realize what Jesus did for you. You constantly yearn to find out more about Him and to discover His plans for you.

How to Treasure Jesus More Than Anything Else

Any relationship takes work and that includes the one you have with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. As much as Christians may want spirituality to rain down instantly, spiritual growth doesn’t work that way. You must take concrete steps of faith to make Jesus your treasure.

  1. Stop sinning. This may seem like a no-brainer but your flesh is very convincing. It wants you to believe you miss out on activities you enjoyed in your old life, before Christ. The only way I know how to not sin is to stay close to Jesus.
  2. Feed your spirit. A steady infusion of God’s Word keeps you from sinning and grows your faith. It’s true for any Christian serious about making Jesus a priority in their lives. The Word of God is a hidden treasure just for you.
  3. Stack up your gold. Every step you take toward Jesus replaces every spiritual gold nugget you ever missed. Learn to be completely enamored with Him and you’ll feel like the wealthiest person alive.
  4. See yourself as a precious jewel. Did you know God sees the faithful as His treasured possessions (Malachi 3:17)? That seems like a reciprocal arrangement to me. Your desire to find God means you see Him as your most beautiful and prized treasure.

Jesus Is Our Treasure! 

I admit that Jesus hasn’t always been my most valued treasure. But, He is now! It’s never too late to pursue Him with everything you have. You’ll be amazed at how quickly He unlocks his storehouse of wealth and offers you to come and take a look. He gladly shares His riches.

Isaiah 45:3

I will give you the treasures of darknessand riches hidden in secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the Lord,the God of Israel, who call you by your name.

Jesus is our greatest treasure!

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