How to Overcome Temptation and Feel Better

Before I write about how to overcome temptation, just know you aren’t the only one bothered by impulsive desires. Unwanted thoughts assault our minds, non-stop.
When Adam and Eve rebelled against God and succumbed to temptation, the flesh and spirit started warring against each other. That’s because Satan intends to stop God’s plans for you. If you fall for the devil’s traps, you may believe you aren’t saved when tempted. That’s not true.
Temptation is desiring to do something that’s wrong or unwise. You can be tempted but not sin. This scripture helps to further explain the meaning of temptation.
Galatians 5:17 (NKJV)
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
Temptation is similar to a two-sided coin.
Romans 6:16-18 (NKJV)
Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.
Temptation can cause you to be a bondservant to sin or righteousness.
How To Overcome Temptation: Know How It Works
When Christians give into temptation and sin, they feel remorse and want to repent. Almost instantly, you realize you stepped away from your Creator, your Savior, and the Spirit of Truth. Christians serious about their relationship with God want to do better.
Deep on the inside, you hear the Holy Spirit nudge you to come clean. It’s not that He doesn’t know what you’ve done. He knows that unconfessed sin and continuing to sin destroys your body, mind, and spirit.
Satan may tempt you regularly. He’s a master deceiver and knows exactly what tactics to use on you to convince your flesh to sin against God. Satan lies, tricks, and schemes so you respond to enticing thoughts he places in your mind. Sometimes he’s so subtle and shrewd that you miss what he’s doing.
Through temptation, he makes sin look inviting and pleasurable. He’s behind worldly influencers such as porn, prestige, politics, etc. that cause people to turn from God. Additionally, he always contradicts the Word of God and undermines its authority. He’s not happy when a Christian continually pours the Word into their spirit because it’s harder to trip them up.
Satan wants you to believe you have only a few options to overcome temptation. You can take an active stance against his enticements. Consider these how to resist temptation suggestions.
How to Overcome Temptation
- Make a decision to serve God. Unless God is priority #1, fleshly temptations taunt you to come closer and take a look. All of us decide what’s important as soon as we arise. We give attention to those activities first. Christians are less likely to sin against God when He is the first concern of any day.
- Know what tempts you. What lures you into sin’s presence? Routinely assess what’s in your heart to know what to avoid. Anything contrary to God’s nature and His scripture must go. Make a lifestyle change or avoid whatever and whoever takes you down wrong paths. For instance, don’t visit bars if alcohol tempts you. Temptation is synonymous with lust. Temptation causes your flesh (your five senses) to respond favorably so you can’t resist it. Lust comes in many forms: people, houses, money, jobs, things, food, etc.
- Pray and read scripture. Jesus told His disciples to pray so they didn’t enter into temptation (Matthew 26:41). He also told them that the spirit wants to do what’s right but the body is weak. They didn’t listen, failed to pray, deserted Jesus, and followed what their flesh dictated. They didn’t have a Bible like we do to carry around. When temptation hisses at you at every corner and junction, pull out your sword of protection. Immerse yourself in God’s Word and speak it out loud to drive out satan’s evil thoughts and plans.
- Know your enemy. If you love God, then satan hates you. He’s 100% committed to dismantling what you believe about God and how you see Him. Satan tears down your devotion to God, but only if you let him. He wants you to believe that you don’t need God at all. He slowly and surely wears you down so you sin. Then, when you do, he says, “You can’t love God and sin like you did.”
- Anchor yourself in God’s presence. Staying in the secret place of the Most High and abiding under the Almighty’s Shadow (Psalm 91) is one of the best ways to avoid temptation. Doing so requires diligence because we live in a fallen world surrounded by temptations.
Concluding Thoughts about How to Overcome Temptation
Can you resist temptations? Yes. The above suggestions give you a head start to fight the ongoing battle Satan launches against Christians.
When practiced or entertained, temptation is addictive. Like any addiction you overcome, you’re more successful when you confide in a friend. On those days when you don’t know how to avoid temptation, call a Christian friend. Both of you can be accountable to each other when something tempts you beyond what you can handle. You can encourage each other to stand strong and ask God to help you build faith in His Word.
It also helps to refocus your attention. Listen to praise music, take a walk, or leave a tempting environment. When you can identify the weak areas where Satan tempts you, then you can reduce the chance to give in to fleshly desires.
Above all, stay close to your live-in counselor, the Holy Spirit, who knows how to avoid temptation. You’ll hear from heaven and keep temptation at bay.