How to Conquer Sickness God’s Way

Educating yourself about how to conquer sickness God’s Way is a game-changer. First, I recommend that you read these biblical teachings on healing, “God’s Will to Heal Hasn’t Changed?” and “Why Is Sound Doctrine Important For Healing?”” before you go further. In those articles, scripture proves God provided healing for the sick by sacrificing His Son, Jesus. Without a doubt, God wants to heal people and does.
However, good health isn’t always our reality. Frustrated people seek out the Great Physician, Jesus, when they tire of dealing with a disease. Others come to Him as life delivers blows non-stop and they search for answers. Many times in the process of seeking God, they receive healing.
While attempting to attain health, you may ask God what He wills for you regarding healing. The man with leprosy in Luke 5:12 asked Jesus that very question. “Lord if you are willing, you can make me clean.” What Jesus said to him, He would say to you and me.
He says, “I am willing.”
Further evidence confirms that’s His response in the 21st century. Malachi 3:6 states that God does not change and Acts 10:34 indicates God is no respecter of persons. Jesus is still in the healing business because it’s His Father’s will and He continues to accomplish His purposes on earth through the Holy Spirit.
But many hold firmly to the belief that God doesn’t want to heal them. Fleeting feelings undergird their beliefs in place of scripture. Then, some people quote scripture that on its own sounds like healing isn’t God’s will. Unfortunately, they make one huge mistake. They fail to connect the dots from Genesis to Revelation that God is their healer.
They readily see God wants people to repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. But having a healthy body seems more complicated (too hard for God). Instead, they surmise that healing must not be God’s will because they’re sick and have no hope for recovery. Well, or sick, health is more a game of chance.
Additionally, some people see everything that happens to them as God’s will—including sickness. For instance, they may say that running into the back of a car was God’s plan, a wake-up call or some other explanation. In reality, focusing on something else like a phone or car radio caused the crash. God had nothing to do with it and didn’t orchestrate the event.
How To Conquer Sickness God’s Way: How Sickness Began
Scripture confirms how sickness originated from the beginning of time. Moreover, God’s Word clears up any confusion you have about how to stay healthy spiritually and physically,
God created heaven and earth in six days. At no time, does scripture indicate that on one of those days He created sickness: diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, etc. Diseases aren’t anything He would call “good” or “very good.”
Remember, God breathed life into Adam, not death. He also created Adam perfectly giving him a soul, spirit, and body. Since man was sinless, at that point, his body and spirit were healthy.
That all changed when Satan came on the scene. Sickness and disease didn’t exist. Now it does. What happened between then and now? Satan’s power move was to create disease through sin.
Adam and Eve sinned against God by eating the forbidden fruit. When they did, the Bible reveals their new sinful natures. They were spiritually sick (sin caused them to hide from God) and death started to reign in their bodies (relationships begin to deteriorate because they both blamed someone else for sin).
Satan was happy to create sickness. Sin crushes the spirit and sickness kills the body. Christians must resist both.
How to Conquer Sickness God’s Way: Knowing the Truth
Healing isn’t a concept, it’s a reality for anyone who steps out in faith and receives healing for their soul, spirit, and body. Again, you need to review the articles I mentioned at the beginning. Jesus died for sin and sickness. Because Satan brought death to man’s body and spirit, salvation through Jesus is a total package of restoration.
We all know that Satan lies to people about God and what Jesus did to save them. He also convinces them that God doesn’t care when they are sick. That’s a lie just like all the other untruths he spreads.
How to Conquer Sickness God’s Way: Feed on God’s Word
Do you remember the words your parents spoke to you and their effect on you? The words you speak influence you and others for good or evil. Have you noticed when you speak words full of fear, faith, defeat, and victory that your mind and body immediately follow those declarations?
What’s inside you the most is what becomes your reality. Words are powerful and are like a ship’s rudder guiding your steps. As Proverbs 6:2 indicates, our words ensnare and take us captive. To receive healing, we must not say things that prolong or bring on sickness. By saying the right words, you retrain your mind and spirit to agree with God.
Here’s one example of words or thoughts you shouldn’t say or think. “Whatever God wants, I’m fine with it. If sickness is okay with God, then I’ll suffer for Him and die a torturous death.” Of course, when you get to know God intimately and personally, you know He doesn’t want that for anyone, saved or unsaved.
For however long it takes and to combat Satan’s lies to you, say “I am strong”, “God’s healing power is working in me”, or say whatever personalized words you hear from heaven. Say them over and over. You’ll know when they get deep in your spirit because those words energize your body when you believe them. Also by then, God’s Word is more real to you than sickness. Be spiritually wise. Keep saying strength-building words so every organ in your body gets stronger and stronger.
Unfortunately, most people won’t do this regularly. In time, spiritual weakness transfers to their bodies, and sickness takes over.
How to Conquer Sickness God’s Way
In addition to speaking, reading, listening to, and meditating on the Word of God, do these things.
- Medical intervention can help: Proper nutrition, rest, exercise, and certain medications that don’t mask sickness can help your body heal quicker. See this list of helpful hints relating to common sense healing. It’s not a sin to see a doctor because science has solutions for some sicknesses. However, they don’t have all the answers but God does.
- Don’t concentrate on symptoms: It’s hard not to notice a fever, aches and pains, and other bodily indicators shouting, “I’m sick.” satan doesn’t give up easily. He keeps infiltrating your mind with thoughts like, “Healing isn’t working, the Word doesn’t work, and repeating scripture (in faith) is foolishness.” Don’t listen to those missiles of doubt. Exchange them for healing scriptures. You’ll notice how quickly the Word of God shuts down his rant.
- Don’t question truth: With sickness at its worst and no “signs” anything is happening, you may doubt God. That’s exactly what satan wants. He weakens you spiritually every time you turn from God and believe his lies.
- Pray healing prayers: Use the name of Jesus when praying for yourself and others but don’t disown faith by saying, “if it’s your will.” God does want to heal you.
- Follow Biblical principles: Use anointing oil, ask other faith people to agree with you for healing, and cast out spirits of infirmity.
Throughout my relationship with God, He has always shown me how to be well. It may be something as simple as taking sustain-release Vitamin C or some other supplement, getting more sleep, or a change in lifestyle. He is my go-to source for health. He designed my body and knows what it needs to be healthy. Therefore, I trust Him for wholeness.