God Guide Me In The Right Direction

God guide me in the right direction

I pray please, “God guide me in the right direction”, a lot these days. My husband and I are living in our twilight years. It’s the scariest time for me because the unknowns tower overhead like a threatening storm.

Questions like these surface often. What if our health deteriorates so we can’t live in our home? With loved ones’ hours away, who can we depend on to help us? Should we sell everything now and move to a retirement community or build a tiny house?

One day as I mused over these concerns about the last quarter of my life, God interjected a thought. He said, “You’ve never known the future so why is now any different?” That statement drove home the truth that people have questions no matter how old they are.

In my lifetime, questions arose that I couldn’t answer. That’s when I remembered that Jesus is my cornerstone and I depend on Him. He shores me up when life is a tad intimidating and shows me the way.

God Guide Me in the Right Direction – NOW!!!

When you aren’t sure what to do next, what’s your avenue of escape? As a 21st-century Christian, one thing remains constant. God hasn’t changed even though Christianity has. Churches let the world’s ways inside their doors as an influencer. Therefore while seated comfortably in church, it’s possible to follow the wrong teachings. Conversely, you’re on solid spiritual ground when the Spirit of God leads your actions. Here are some tips to let God guide you in the right direction.

  • Remember God’s last instructions:  Christians go through bewildering and intense seasons when they wait and wonder. It feels like God puts our lives on hold because He moves on His timetable, not ours. You may wait for God to release you from a job or struggle with understanding His purpose in a trial. That’s when I continue to do what God told me (His last instructions) until He gives more information.
  • Let God reshape your mind and heart: My earnest desire is to consecrate myself to God. To do that, I must feed on His Word continually and allow Him to change me. My will must align with His for positive results. If I stubbornly refuse to submit to His ways of being and doing, I miss His guidance. Adhering to this scripture in Romans 12:2 is also helpful. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Also . . .

  • Learn to stay quiet: When the Israelites stood looking at the Red Sea, they also saw the Egyptians closing in on them. Fear overtook them. Their leader, Moses, spent years hearing God’s voice. He knew instantly what to say. “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.  The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:13-14). The world’s chaos is frightening to watch unless you learn to stay quiet to hear God’s instructions.
  • Don’t carry your cares: Casting your care takes practice. As you learn how to do that, you give your cares to God and then snatch them back. But after a while, you realize God can handle your worries. When you release concerns to Him, you position yourself to let Him guide you.

God Guide Me in the Right Direction: The Importance of God’s Guidance

I predict that if more Christians would wait to hear from God before moving forward, they’d be happier and more successful. Once you experience divine guidance it’s unmistakable. The opposite is also true when you miss God. You don’t forget the difference. There are benefits when you let God lead you in the right direction.

  • You avoid disaster: The Holy Spirit lives inside each believer but not every Christian connects with Him. When you don’t, you thrash about as though you have no Savior. As Jesus said in John 16:13, the Spirit of truth guides you into all truth. He only speaks what He hears the Father say and reveals what is to come.
  • You experience peace: Your world may be upside down but with God, as your guide, you are peaceful and confident. In the midst of trouble, you have an inner peace you can’t explain. You may sense the strong presence of God as you walk through dark valleys.
  • You can prosper: Being at the right place at the right time happens when God leads you. It takes a humble heart to bow to God’s guidance. When you do, He promotes you by teaching you how to become profitable and productive. Everything you set your hand to prospers (Psalm 1:1-3).

Equally important . . .

  • You enjoy divine rest: When you come to Jesus, meditate on The Word, pray, and praise Him, you find rest for your soul.  Matthew 11:28-29 – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
  • You take sure steps: As Proverbs 16:9 indicates, you may make plans but God establishes your steps. Many people face the consequences of bad decisions made without God’s input. Remember He knows everything and can steer you away from pitfalls and paths of destruction. Ask Him who to marry, what career to pursue, and even what to eat.

God Guide Me in the Right Direction: He Wants To!

God doesn’t want to see His children suffer especially when He can show them the right way to go. When Christians surrender control of their lives to God, they cease striving and abide in Him.

We must hang up our control hat and put on our spiritual ears. If we don’t, we will go down roads never meant to travel. When you can say, “God guide me in the right direction”, you start letting God lead your life. After all, the Holy Spirit is called “the Helper.”

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