Destroying the Jezebel Spirit: How To Do It

How many destroying the Jezebel spirit conversations have you had? Probably none. Still, the spirit exists.
Satan unleashes the Jezebel spirit into the earth to confuse and divide relationships. It rests in human vessels and roams about disguising its hatred. The Jezebel spirit claims people that hold positions mainly in religious and political circles. However, across the board, it preys on people with authority.
First of all relax. Christians shouldn’t be afraid because they have authority over it. Just know, the Jezebel spirit is crafty, subtle, and not easily recognized. Most of all, the spirit is difficult to deal with. My book, Bad Seeds Spiritual Help Book: To Stop the Enemy’s Most Deadly Deceptions, provides spiritual warfare advice to identify satan’s deceitful tactics and helps you deal with evil spirits like this one.
Jesus told the Church of Thyatira that Jezebel was and is a big problem.
Revelation 2:20 – But I have this complaint against you. You are permitting that woman, that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet to lead my servants astray.
Traits of the Jezebel Spirit
It took me a while to figure out that this evil spirit possessed a woman I worked with. She claimed to be a Christian but exhibited these behaviors rather than the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
- Rebellion
- Hatred and disdain for men with a goal to emasculate them
- Disregard for authority figures in the church
- Manipulation and control
- Independence
- Ambition
- Inflexibility
- Pride
- Schemer
Along with these traits, the spirit is accusatory and vengeful. Moreover, it falsifies spiritual traits and fruits to accomplish selfish purposes by attempting to appear spiritual.
How to Deal with a Jezebel Spirit
Jezebel is a dark spirit and preys upon certain individuals. Namely, anyone who challenges her authority. It targets prophets, pastors, worship leaders, and men in leadership positions. The woman I mentioned earlier operated skillfully as a Jezebel. She nearly convinced me I was insane! She diverted attention away from her evil objectives by confusing and distorting facts.
I wept when seeing the following scripture come true in her life.
Revelation 2:21-23 – I gave her (Jezebel) time to repent, but she does not want to turn away from her immorality. “Therefore, I will throw her on a bed of suffering. Those who commit adultery with her will suffer greatly unless they repent and turn away from her evil deeds. I will strike her children dead.
She had three sons and was on her third marriage (only in her late 30s). One son died of cancer, and a second tried to commit suicide. She controlled every aspect of her third and youngest son’s life. Her current husband cowered in her presence. He truly served as her Ahab. She had 2-3 hour lunches often with her boss. He died from cancer within 5 years after his association with her.
The Spirit’s Nature
To know how to defeat a Jezebel spirit, you must know its nature. The spirit isn’t gender-specific but tends to work mainly through women. The quote below by Francis Frangipane explains why.
“Jezebel is more attracted to the uniqueness of the female psyche in its sophisticated ability to manipulate without physical force.”
The spirit gravitates and claims women who hate men. It identifies with women whose husbands don’t love them as Christ loves the church. The Jezebel spirit captures women to dominate people and humiliate men in public. It uses sexual perversion and passion to possess men to achieve its purposes.
When you confront her (the spirit) with truth, you’re the enemy. Expect retaliation because this spirit never admits guilt or truly repents. However, they may act repentantly to gain favor. It doesn’t take correction and rejects anyone trying to help them. Additionally, Jezebel hates humility, servanthood, holiness, and a pure heart. She brings fear and discouragement against God’s people and discounts the Word of God.
Recently, God revealed to me how this spirit works in the U.S. The Jezebel spirit is behind abortion, “peaceful protests” disguised as hatred, and same-sex marriage. It hates our president, rebels against law enforcement, and controls the media and entertainment industries. Likewise, the spirit uses women to manipulate and intimate others in a male-dominated world. It delivers the harshest attacks against people who honor God and the Holy Spirit.
Destroying the Jezebel Spirit
- Ask God to reveal any known or unknown association with this spirit. Then, ask Him to cleanse your heart. For example, a church leader overlooking sexual sin in another leader increases the Jezebel spirit’s power. As you know, God gives sinners every opportunity to come clean from blatant sin. If they don’t, satan sets them up to fall. You contribute to their downfall when you look the other way.
- Schedule a regular time to fast and pray. Intercede for the person to stop its influence in their lives. Of course, that only works if they have a repentant heart. Just remember, you can’t tolerate this spirit and successfully eradicate it from your or another’s life.
- Take communion as a reminder of your covenant with God. By symbolically honoring the body and blood of Jesus, you reinforce God’s presence in your life.
- Take on Christ’s nature. So you don’t succumb to the spirit yourself, let the Holy Spirit search your heart. Not just once, but regularly. This is important—you must exercise humility to defeat the Jezebel spirit and stop its power.
- Defend yourself and others using the Word of God as your sword. You fight against wicked, spiritual principalities, not flesh and blood. Be prepared spiritually and mentally when praying against the spirit’s influence globally or in one person.
- Walk in the spirit. You can’t confront this spirit if you walk in the flesh. One-on-one confrontations invite spiritual and emotional attacks which could lead to ill health.
A Few More Comments About the Jezebel Spirit
Confronting Jezebel isn’t the answer when destroying the Jezebel spirit from our nations, homes, and elsewhere. You must be a spiritual warrior and stay in lockstep with God to know what to do. Keep in mind, the Jezebel spirit shows no remorse when scheming and lying.
It wants to destroy people, churches, and marriages. As stated before, destroying the Jezebel spirit isn’t easy. Staying humble before God is your best avenue of defense. You put yourself in a position to hear God and let Him fight the battle. He knows how to get rid of a Jezebel spirit.
This specific spirit is as smooth as butter with a heart as cold as ice and requires God’s direct intervention.