Category: Virtues

characteristics of genuine love

Characteristics of Genuine Love We All Want

One word aptly summarizes the characteristics of genuine love. Unmistakable. Saint Paul in I Corinthians 13, purposely wrote a letter to the Corinthians about love. What did the Corinth congregants do in broad daylight...

John 3:16 sermon

John 3:16 Sermon: God Gave His Best

A quick John 3:16 sermon confirms what every Christian knows. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This foundational...

wise people in the bible

Who Are Wise People in the Bible?

Picking out wise people in the Bible isn’t hard to do. Majestic male lions remind me of Jesus my Lord and Savior. That’s because Revelation 5 refers to Jesus as the Lion of the...