Benefits of Dwelling in God’s Presence

Who would think that the benefits of dwelling in God’s presence either frighten or intrigue people? Some believers shy away from having a relationship with God while others can’t wait to spend time with Him.
Here’s something to think about long and hard about entering into the presence of God.
In this spiritual climate of moral decline, Christians won’t make it unless they invite God into every aspect of their lives.
For the most part, most of us don’t do that. We go along without Him until a job from hell or a family member takes swipes at our hearts.
Along with facing heartaches, Christians can’t unite with worldly values and expect to walk in spiritual freedom.
Where does that leave you as a believer? How high on your list is the importance of God’s presence?
Benefits of Dwelling in God’s Presence: Respect Who God Is
I live in the United States considered a land of prosperity as compared to other nations. In America, Christians can produce wealth to evangelize and missionize the world. When a believer turns to God as their primary source, they invite Him as a partner in life.
Just know that God never forces Himself on you. He wants a relationship, not a religious union full of thees and thous. That being said, it’s impossible to connect with our multi-faceted God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) when we sin. As I’ve said many times,
God doesn’t dance with people who sin.
When you and I respect God, we show Him that He’s more important than anything or anyone. We honor Him when we refuse to offend a holy God and a compassionate Lord!
Benefits of Dwelling in God’s Presence: Know What Grieves God
By and large, people no longer fear God and have no idea what grieves Him.
Is God asking you to live wholly for Him—to live in deed and not merely in word only? What keeps you from letting the Holy Spirit mortify fleshly deeds?
Do you watch as Satan comes against God’s bride and remain indifferent?
Be alert as to what grieves God. You can attend church, study your Bible, and be absent from God’s presence. Does a child or pet follow you around because they want to spend time with you? God feels the same way because you’re precious to Him.
Take to heart the words of James 4:8-10 (MSG)
So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.
Dwelling in the Presence of God Includes Seeking Him
When storms in life brew, we run to our secret place where we hide in God’s presence. While there, we ask for God’s advice because what He says is the only counsel we can trust. What does it mean to dwell in God’s presence?
Friar Brother Lawrence, the author of “The Practice of the Presence of God”, spent his entire day opening up his life to God. Whether he cooked or prayed, Brother Lawrence loved God with everything he had to give.
Do as he did. Hunger and thirst for God until He becomes your bread and lifeblood. With every storm faced, you won’t be alone.
Benefits of Dwelling in God’s Presence: Dodge Religious Liberals
Have you met ministers who don’t believe that the virgin birth is true? Many faithless preachers condone sin and perversion by agreeing to doctrines that oppose scripture (such as same-sex marriage).
Be selective to whom you share the deep longings of your soul. What’s in your heart isn’t meant for everyone. The more you practice the presence of God, you begin to crave Him. You look to Him to guide your every step. When you do, gathering storms won’t overtake you. As you learn to find God, the Holy Spirit who lives in you acts on your behalf.
Psalm 31:19 (TLB)
Oh, how great is your goodness to those who publicly declare that you will rescue them. For you have stored up great blessings for those who trust and reverence you.
Benefits of Dwelling in God’s Presence: Roles God Takes in a Believer’s Life
- Counselor: No one knows you as well as God. He cuts through confusion and deception to help you find solutions to problems. But you must believe that He hears and cares. He’s as near as your beloved family members you can see and touch.
- Healer: Until I knew that healing was a covenant right as a believer, I bowed to sickness. Now if I start to feel ill, I know what to do spiritually and physically to combat ill health.
- Teacher: Every time you have a question you have no answer to, the Holy Spirit is ready to help. He develops the fruit of the spirit in a believer, helps overcome temptation and sin, and brings scripture to remembrance. Not only that, He prepares you for future events (if you listen) and sanctifies you to live a holy life in an unholy world.
- Faith Builder: Faith comes from hearing the Word of God so God can increase faith. Once you submit to His Word as your blueprint for living, the process of building faith begins.
- Protector: Years ago, I was driving home from work. A man passed me and nearly stopped his car. I saw the startled look on his face and said to God, “What’s up with that guy?” God said, “He sees your angels.” Apparently, there were quite a few either flying beside me or holding onto the car. On another occasion, I drove in the mountains along with my husband, daughter, and now deceased mother-in-law (love you, Maw Maw). I failed to get gas before entering the winding mountainous roads. The gas tank gauge had been on empty for quite a while. Praying all the way, I went up a steep hill and there was an Exxon station in the middle of nowhere. Somehow we traveled miles without gas.
By far, this isn’t a complete list of the benefits of dwelling in God’s presence. As you nurture your personal relationship with God, He keeps adding rewards because He’s so gracious, loving, all-powerful, unchanging, and beautiful. Words fail to describe how He makes Himself known to His children.