Author: Betsy Wise

fear of man is a dangerous trap

The Fear of Man Is a Dangerous Trap

The title bears repeating, “The Fear of Man Is a Dangerous Trap.” How so? My heart says “yippee” at the thought of parachute gliding but my body trembles. Fearing man has the same result...

The Power of God’s Mercy Is Not Hidden

The Power of God’s Mercy Is Not Hidden

The power of God’s mercy is totally misunderstood. In the movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, deadly flames come out of the Ark of the Covenant.  People looked inside and lost their lives. Some...

What Is Humility in the Bible?

What Is Humility in the Bible?

If you ask, “What is humility in the Bible?”, just know that it rolls along without so much as a hint of self-importance. That’s until pride attempts to rise up in your heart—similar to...

secrets of divine blessing

4 Secrets of Divine Blessing

Secrets of divine blessing aren’t always obvious. For instance, Christians and unbelievers say the common phrase “I’m blessed.” What does it mean to be blessed? The dictionary defines blessed as “those who live with...