Author: Betsy Wise

Letting Your Light Shine for Jesus

Letting Your Light Shine for Jesus

Letting your light shine doesn’t happen without effort. As I learn, I make mental notes of my epic failures. You know. The unpublished masterpieces meant to shine for Jesus that couldn’t light up a...

Secrets of a Successful Christian

Secrets of a Successful Christian

The secrets of a successful Christian life aren’t all that hard to figure out. Why? You’re a victory seeker waiting for success to happen. This keys-to-success sermon teaches you the basics of achieving success....

christian men struggle with porn

Christian Men Struggle with Porn

It’s true. Christian men struggle with porn addiction. Specifically, they hide their secret. No one knows, but them—and God. As a Christian man, that’s the problem. He sees what you do. By denying pornography...

is hell a real place of torment

Is Hell a Real Place of Torment? Yes

I’ll ask the question again. Is hell a real place of torment? According to Jesus, hell is real, and you don’t want to go there. Jesus preaches the truth about this home for the...