Author: Betsy Wise

wise people in the bible

Who Are Wise People in the Bible?

Picking out wise people in the Bible isn’t hard to do. Majestic male lions remind me of Jesus my Lord and Savior. That’s because Revelation 5 refers to Jesus as the Lion of the...

destroying the jezebel spirit

Destroying the Jezebel Spirit: How To Do It

How many destroying the Jezebel spirit conversations have you had? Probably none. Still, the spirit exists. Satan unleashes the Jezebel spirit into the earth to confuse and divide relationships. It rests in human vessels and...

home church movement

Home Church Movement and God

Are you a tad curious about the home church movement? Worshipping in spirit and truth and without hindrances is an exciting prospect. If you’ve ever worshipped God in a dead-as-a-doorknob church, you know how...