How to Stay Peaceful and Calm Now

Do you know how to stay peaceful and calm? Sometimes peace is evasive. You nail the underpinning to lasting day-in, day-out tranquility, and then life happens. Peace goes out the door. Replaced by frustration, turmoil, and doubt, you’re back at square one, so you think.
Don’t believe it.
The inner spiritual life of a Christian determines what others see on the outside. A full-blown, peaceful life depends on the amount of time spent with your Creator. Connect to God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit, and open their gifts to you.
Otherwise, you’ll miss this vital spiritual connection and experience chaos and mayhem, like the rest of the world. Even though none of us spend enough time in the triune God’s presence and fail at trying, we should connect with Him regularly.
How to Stay Peaceful and Calm: Listen to Jesus
Setbacks happen to everyone. They are momentary blips when you understand the gift of peace Jesus gave before the crucifixion. Jesus bequeathed peace in John 14:27 to his disciples and to each person who followed (that’s you and me) “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (Living Bible).
The disciples continued to disbelieve their leader would die on a cruel cross. What that meant to them, none of us can know, but Jesus knew they needed to know how to find peace. As events unfolded, each one scattered like flies shooed off of delicacies on a picnic table. Jesus’ death, which they considered final, shook them to the core. They missed Him and mourned His absence.
You and I would have reacted the same way.
In John 14:25, Jesus said He would send The Holy Spirit so they could remember what He said. He told them many times prior to His death, that He would die. The reality of that truth didn’t sink in. They didn’t want Him to leave. When The Holy Spirit came to them in the Upper Room, then they understood what Jesus had said.
Aren’t you thankful Jesus gave us The Holy Spirit to bring peace and comfort to our souls? Christians can’t navigate through life’s challenges without Him. As Jesus said, His peace isn’t brittle (think eggshells) like what the world offers.
How to Stay Peaceful and Calm: Enjoy The Holy Spirit
Filling up in God’s presence is similar to how the coaling towers operated in the early 1900s. Steam locomotives needed coal to move on the track, so they built towers as fueling stations or pit stops filled with coal.
An operator released the coal that traveled down a chute into the locomotive’s storage tank.
Coming into God’s presence is similar because doing so teaches you how to stay in peace. You fill up and receive everything you need from The Holy Spirit to dodge fiery darts and move forward.
By filling up regularly, you replace anxiety, worry, confusion, and other feelings with God’s peace. You won’t be able to explain why, but it feels good when you have peace of mind delivered to you from heaven!
Remember, Jesus said in John 16:33 to expect plenty of trouble, trials, and sorrows. He also said we can have peace in the midst of upheavals. Therefore, I choose to believe what Jesus said rather than concentrate on difficulties meant to stop me in my tracks.
How to Stay Peaceful and Calm: Look At Jesus
I don’t diminish the trials and sufferings people go through. Examples might include sickness, losing a spouse or a child, living in a homeless shelter or worse having no place to go. These are heart-wrenching circumstances. Sometimes our physical ailments, attitudes, and wrong thinking cause peace to be unrecognizable to others.
Charles Spurgeon fully understood suffering and the two choices that face Christians.
“You may readily judge whether you are a child of God or a hypocrite by seeing in what direction your soul turns in seasons of severe trial. The hypocrite flies to the world and finds a sort of comfort there. But the child of God runs to his Father and expects consolation only from the Lord’s hand.”
That explains it doesn’t it?
There’s an inherent difference between someone who faces life without God and someone who does. If you run helter-skelter mad as a hatter into the world, peace has no chance to quiet your soul. By “practicing the presence of God” as suggested by Brother Lawrence, a 17th-century Carmelite monk, you can face what’s next.
How to Stay Peaceful in Life
Faith and love hold up peace when circumstances cause you to doubt, falter, and wander. These blogs on “How to Find Faith, Now Not Later” and “Genuine Love: What Exactly Is It?” outline the importance of those aspects of Christian living to find true peace.
A peaceful and calm Christian approaches peace differently from someone who has not accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. They have a heart change that non-believers don’t. Believers have an overwhelming desire to please God and process circumstances and people by way of a love channel grooved into their beings. You love people because God does.
Moreover, every word in the Bible becomes a blueprint for living righteously—which means in right standing with God. Growing Christians devour the Word of God like spiritual candy.
That’s when knowledge and wisdom from the three-person Godhead overtake you so peace shows on your face. You choose peace over strife, conflict, and feuds because it dominates your being as you go through life’s storms. You simply refuse to live by the world’s standards and stay close to God in His secret place.
Psalm 91:1-2 (AMP)
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand].
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely]!”