10 Characteristics of a Prophet in the Body of Christ
![characteristics of a prophet](https://writingforjesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/fig-20-05-2021_14-54-29.jpg)
When reviewing the characteristics of a prophet, it’s important to note that current-day prophets minister differently than Old Testament prophets. God made those prophets responsible for turning whole nations back to Him. Today’s prophets, for the most part, work through individuals to point them back to Jesus when they stray and sometimes minister prophetically to groups of people.
Prophets are the most misunderstood people on earth. Therefore, their high calling comes at a cost and personal sacrifice.
Called To Be a Prophet
First and foremost, prophets are consecrated to God thereby making them seem a bit strange. Many live solitary lives and have few or no friends. Because people don’t understand them, their listeners disregard what they say. For that reason, Christians and unbelievers frequently reject and shun prophets. Likewise, they reject the message and the messenger.
These tender-hearted servants yearn to hear God’s voice. Of utmost importance to them is monitoring their words so they don’t mix human judgment with what God says to them. When they speak, their words are full of Christ’s compassion and love.
Prophets may agonize over the message God gives them because they know the listener may become angry. Plus, prophets grieve when human error causes them to misinterpret divine revelations. They endeavor to complete specific assignments God gives them and are careful to not venture into spiritual areas where God hasn’t led them.
Having said that, how do you know a true prophet from one that isn’t?
10 Characteristics of a Prophet
God may send you both a prophet and an intercessor. If He does, don’t dismiss them because you don’t like what they say. Prophets are treasures in earthen vessels. The challenges of being a prophet are many. These primary qualifications of a prophet let you know that this calling is not an easy one.
- Obedient: A prophet delivers God’s message to specific people. Before God does that, He attempts to get a believer’s attention. If that fails, God may send a prophet to them. God prepares the prophet for this encounter by sharing words of knowledge to help His servant intercede for them. These personal messages may offend the person who would rather fulfill a personal agenda over God’s will. Frequently, God sends prophets to church leaders about to make a wrong decision or confronts them about sin.
- Compassionate: Prophets speak encouraging words to strengthen, exhort, and comfort believers. More specifically, they stand with fellow Christians to complete what God asks them to do (I Corinthians 14).
- Reveal consequences: Today’s prophets do not frequently and specifically predict future events (although they can). However, they routinely prophecy future consequences and warnings when people turn away from God by sinning knowingly and unknowingly.
- Truth-teller: You will never hear a true prophet tell people to follow other gods. Neither do they add to or change scripture. Instead, they bring light to God’s Word.
- Intercessor: All prophets are intercessors but not all intercessors are prophets. Reconciliation is of utmost importance to prophets especially when it involves reuniting a believer with God, standing with others for salvation for loved ones, or finding spiritual solutions to earthly problems.
5 More Characteristics of a Prophet
- Sensitive: A prophet always speaks words that bear witness of Jesus Christ. They reveal God’s heart to others and emphasize the imminent coming of the Lord. Because a prophet honors and esteems the Holy Spirit, they often cry when praying, worshipping, or delivering God’s message.
- Holy: Prophets exhibit a high level of integrity by living holy and godly lives. Their lives exemplify their Christian beliefs and their character exudes wholeness.
- Know God intimately: Prophets achieve intimacy with God by studying scripture and spending time with Him. They do that to become acquainted with God’s character and stay in His presence. God’s Word is their flaming light in a dark world.
- Spirit-Filled: Prophets endeavor to use every spiritual gift available to serve God. They speak His heavenly language to draw closer to Him
- Wise: Wisdom defines prophets because they can’t perfect their office without it. God’s knowledge is what guides their steps and keeps them from satan’s deceptions and traps.
Knowing the main characteristics of a prophet helps you understand them better when you meet one. Likewise, you may identify with their attributes because God is calling you to serve in this same office.
How to Interpret These 10 Signs of a Prophet
Anytime a person tells you they have a message from God for you, listen to what they say, Then, go to God. Let Him confirm or deny spiritual truth from heaven. God may reveal what’s in your heart that needs to go (if anything). My book, God Prods, is prophetic in nature because it points people back to Jesus when they stray.
If you don’t like a prophet’s message, that could be the enemy lying to you about God’s servant. Sometimes people consider others as false prophets when in actuality they receive direct counsel from God.
Moreover, exercise discernment to sort through the message to determine if it’s divinely given or originated from a human heart.
2 Peter 1:19-21
So we have the prophetic word made more certain. You do well to pay [close] attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and light breaks through the gloom and the morning star arises in your hearts. But understand this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of or comes from one’s own [personal or special] interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
A prophet calls people to action. If you oppose a true prophet, you stand against God. That’s a dangerous place to be in your walk with Him. If God confirms the prophecy through your spirit, He wants you to start making adjustments in your life you may not want to make.
Prophets spend huge blocks of time interceding for others that God places on their hearts. They resolve to please God but know rejection is a component of completing God’s assignments. Prophets also grieve when they know the person rejects the message and continues sinning.
You will never hear true prophets brag about their role in the Body of Christ.
Ask any true prophet and they will tell you it’s not a position anyone should want. The job entails living a holy life in a fallen world and saying words that make people want to throw you off a cliff like they did Jesus.
Prophets deliver their message and quietly exit never causing attention to themselves. As time passes, they pray and intercede for people until God releases them to complete another assignment. Above all, they fear God/not man and learn to trust God only.
If you’re called to be a prophet, don’t take that assignment lightly but rejoice that God will be by your side teaching you how to walk in that office. Review the characteristics of a prophet I’ve listed to identify true prophets and understand what God requires of them.
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