Welcome to Writing For JESUS
In addition to blog posts, Betsy writes “Books for Souls” bearing witness to God’s Word and Spirit.
Read Betsy’s books when resting on a back pew handing the best snacks to your children or sitting beside the nice, unshaven old guy. Join God in bathrooms, down hallways, and around corners.
Whether you’re weary and grief-stricken, feeling numb, or blowing kisses across the room, Betsy’s books provide instant faith lifts. She reveals that God doesn’t care whether you wear mismatched socks or shabby, comfy shoes, yawn in His presence, wear pajamas, or clutch your favorite drink. He’s okay when you snuggle up close to Him wrapped in a warm blanket when your heart feels cold.
Betsy’s “Books for Souls“:
- Inspire
- Provide hope
- Speak life to whatever crawled inside your heart and died
- Take you higher and deeper with God
- And move you from religion to relationship
Each book inspires you to get off the couch, drop to your knees, and know God intimately.