Which Christian Denomination Is Right for You?

which christian denomination is right

You’re on the fence. This important decision involves which Christian denomination is right for you and your family.

A hodgepodge of doctrines, beliefs, and precepts jumble up your thinking—Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Pentecostal? There can be distinct differences in Christian denominations.

You want a church to line up with your Christian faith, but motives of leaders seem problematic. You’re frustrated. Isn’t finding the right Christian denomination supposed to be easy?

Whack a Mole also pops into your consciousness. You see yourself smacking down all the controversial church issues that undermine your faith. You simply want to enjoy church. To you that means you sing, worship, help in the community, and grow in your faith.  You even consider whether you should carry a gun to protect your family. Choosing a Christian denomination used to be easier.

Jesus is familiar with churches. He grew up in His hometown synagogue in Nazareth, teaches there, and reads His ministry verse from the book of Isaiah. Our Lord and Savior writes to the seven churches in Asia Minor offering spiritual counsel. Jesus knows the importance of finding the right church.

So your task is to wade through differences in Christian denominations to find the right one—easier said than done. So let’s narrow down your choices.

How to Pick a Church to Attend

Can you, like me, see the hair rising on Jesus’ neck when a Christian denomination twists scripture to suit its needs? Do your homework and research what Christian denominations believe and teach as truth. Print out available doctrinal statements or call and ask them to mail a copy. The first time you notice a belief that’s counter to what you believe as true, mark that denomination off the list.

Core Christian beliefs:

  • Jesus is the Son of God. He came to earth to die as a sinless sacrifice for all mankind. He rose from the dead supernaturally and ascended into heaven. Salvation of souls should be the primary objective of Christian denominations.
  • God is all knowing and all powerful and exists as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—referred to as the Trinity.
  • Christians believe in life after death—in the form of eternal life in heaven or eternal damnation in hell. There are only 2 choices.
  • The Bible is the Word of God that’s inspired or “spirit breathed.”
  • Jesus will return to earth. A final judgment occurs, Satan goes to the lake of fire, and Jesus creates a new heaven and a new earth.

Which Christian Denomination Is Right for You: One That Loves People

“They’ll know we are Christians by our love.”  Maybe not.

Once when traveling to work, I drove by a little white church on a hill. Something about it drew me in. On a cold Sunday morning, I traveled there and parked in the snow. The outside of the church was certainly inviting, but once inside I felt doomed. I sat on a back pew. One guy offered a handshake—one of those dead fish ones. He had absolutely no life about him. Everyone else didn’t know I was there.

Conversations consisted of Tupperware orders, the latest gossip, and lunch menus. I abruptly left and promised God I would not dishonor Him with my presence “in that place.” If this church represented Him, I wanted no part of it.

I arrived at my car and forgot to release the emergency brake. Try as I might, I couldn’t get out of the parking lot because the car spun itself into a hole. Everyone rushed to the door to watch the commotion. It was the most exciting Sunday they ever had! I released the brake and went on my merry way laughing at the situation, but disappointed.

Does that mean that all churches in this denomination are the same? Not necessarily, but it’s a good indicator there’s trouble in the camp. God drew me to that “church” to teach me to never trust outward appearances to find out what’s inside. Jesus called the Pharisees and Sadducees “white washed tombs” that were filthy on the inside. That’s what He would call this little white church.

Which Christian Demonation Is Right For You: Choose Godly Leaders

Do your due diligence and gather information about the founders of the denomination. What is the background of each individual? What do they believe?  Sidestep founders that preach a different Gospel than the one in the Bible.

You aren’t looking for perfect people who never mess up. Many ministers of the Gospel live through hard times before accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. When they sell out to Jesus, their ministries reflect their zeal and passion for God.

Bottom line: Leaders should live the Christian values noted above before they lead a church.

Which denomination should I join?

The cornerstone of any Christian denomination should be John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should have everlasting life.” That love should flow to people inside and outside of the church so that others accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Christians should grow in their faith and the church is a beacon to the community.

The tenets of any Christian denomination should agree with beliefs taught from the Bible without altering Holy scripture.

Godly men and women should lead Christian churches.

Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, start visiting churches. People in churches create the spiritual atmosphere based on how they live out their faith. If you enter a church and everything clicks—that’s the one for you. Just make sure you don’t make a hasty decision. Even if you like the church, God may have another one in mind.

Remember He has the final say about which church denomination is right.

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